Title: The Group shall be called ‘Cardiac Friends’;hereafter referred to as the Group.
Aims and Objectives
The Group is established to support its members and in relation thereto:
- Maintain contact and offer support to members and their relatives.
- Promote a friendly environment, which encourages members to help and support each other.
- Provide a framework for organising and supporting members’ activity groups.
- Promote the formation of new friendships within the group through social activities.
- To encourage and maintain a ‘healthy living’ philosophy.
- Provide a connection to up-to-date cardiac related information.
- Maintain an open door for links with other Support Groups.
- Promote and support the work of BHF and other recognised cardiac support groups.
To further the aims and objectives the Group may:
- Hire venues suitable for the above.
- Obtain, collect and receive monies and funds by way of contributions, donations, affiliation fees, subscriptions and any other lawful method to cover the cost of administration, group activities and for the general benefitof its members.
- Procure equipment for use within the confines of the Group.
- Membership of the Group shall be open to anyone who has had a heart attack or any cardiac event, their partner, or anyone who is interested in giving support to the Group on payment of the annual subscription.
- Associate membership is given to the partner or spouse of a member on payment of the appropriate subscription.
- The membership year shall run from the 1st of May Annually.
- Annual Subscriptions shall be payable in advance and are due before or by the end of the membership year. A member/associate member who has not renewed by payment of the applicable subscription within six weeks of the commencement of the membership year shall cease to be a member.
- Each member is responsible for keeping the Secretary informed of their address and other personal details.
- Group outings where there is limited space, members/associate members of the group will take priority.
- Subject to the payment of the daily cost members may invite guests to attend those activities held on a regular basis to a maximum of three sessions per annum. If guests wish to attend further sessions they are required to become members of Cardiac Friends.
- The Committee shall have the right to veto or revoke the membership of any member/associate member who brings the Group into disrepute.
The members of Cardiac Friends shall elect a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be known as the Elected Officers.
The Group shall be governed by the Executive Committee all of whom shall be paid up members.
The Executive Committee, which shall not exceed more than 9or less than 7 members, will consist of:-
- The Elected Officers of the Group
- Persons nominated by members of the Group.
And theQuorum for voting at Committee Meetings shall be 5 members.
Accounts and Finance
The Group shall maintain a bank account in the name of ‘Cardiac Friends’. All payments from this account shall be sanctioned by any two officers, i.e. Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer whose signatures shall appear on cheques.
The Financial year of the Group shall end on 30 April. Accounts shall be prepared annually, audited and laid before the Members at the Annual General Meeting.
The annual Members’ Subscriptions shall be approved at the Annual General Meeting
Meetings of the Group
- The Annual General Meeting of the Group shall be held in each year at such time (not being more than 15 months after the holding of the preceding Annual General Meeting) and place, as the Executive Committee shall determine. The Secretary shall give at least twenty-one clear days’ notice in writing to the Members. Other Meetings of the Group shall be held at such times as may be determined by the Group.
- The Officers and Committee Members shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting of the Group and shall hold office until after the Annual General Meeting next following their election. The minutes of the A.G.M. should contain details of new officers. All officers and the Committee shall retire from Office at each Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election. Vacancies occurring between Annual General Meetings may be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
- A Special General Meeting of the group shall be called at fourteen clear days’ notice in writing upon the written demand of ten Members addressed to the Secretary or by the Executive Committee.
- All Members/Associate Members of the Group are entitled to full voting powers.
Alterations to Constitution
The Constitution shall only be amended at anAnnual General Meeting of the Group or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Any alteration to the Constitution of the Group must receive the assent by the majority vote of the Members/Associate Members attending the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting as called by the Committee.
The Group may at any time be disbanded by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those paid up members present and voting at a Meeting of the Group of which at least twenty-one clear days’ notice in writing shall have been sent to all Members/Associate Members of the Group. Any Assets remaining after the payment of any debts,must be used or distributed as agreed by a majority vote of those members present at the meeting, provided at all times that the funds are used or distributed to the benefit of existing members or given to or transferred to such other organisation or organisation having similar objectives to Cardiac Friends. In the absence of agreement by the majority vote the funds shall be used or distributed as the executive shall determine.
This Constitution was agreed at an Annual General Meeting held at the
Chairman: Jacqueline Quinn
Secretary: Heather Cotton