Trevor Andrews has been supplying us with topical cartoons and watercolour paintings for several years.
He is a prolific cartoonist and a member of The Guild of Aviation Artists.
Trevor’s topical cartoons have kept us amused since the start of the Covid pandemic.
The first 200 are now in his new book which is available from Amazon.
Unfortunately the attack on our website wiped out our collection.We will restart from now.
Members of our Retired Civil Servants club who meet monthly with a guest speaker met
up on Friday at a Tea Party that was very enjoyable.
Chatting later, our chairman, Frank, was talking about the difficulty he was having getting
speakers for next year and how he was having to ‘scrape the bottom of the barrel’.
He then realised:
a) I was within earshot, and
b) he had only recently booked me to do a ‘portrait demo’ next June… …
Hardly a cartoon, but l am always amused by the
number of red stop lights you can get going north
on the A24 at the junction with the A272 to Cowfold.
No mow May!
…just realised, cartoons don’t have to be funny — just relevant.
Back in the days when l was a member of the Guild of Aviation Artists(GAvA) I often used to paint in a hangar at Biggin Hill and l painted this 1930’s Travelair aircraft there for the staff to give to their boss – who owned the Travelair – for a special occasion. When they asked how much l wanted for doing it l said – how about a flight in something next time you have spare seat going.
A few days later they asked me if l’d like to fly in a Miles Messenger down to Shoreham Airport for the day where they were having an ex-Mile’s apprentices reunion.
Yes please!
And l had nice day at Shoreham painting a replica of the first aircraft to fly in Sussex, followed by the flight back to Biggin Hill in formation with the Travelair !! Much better than a monetary payment!
A couple of programme covers l did for my sister(BEM)
who was in an amateur group (CHADS – can’t remember what
it stands for but she will tell me) that put on variety shows in their
village hall for charity. She would tell me what was in the programme
and l featured that into the cover. I would frame the original and that
was sold in a ‘blind auction’ on the last evening of the show and
that would usually fetch another £100 plus for their charity.
A selection of programme covers* instead of
watercolours for a change from watercolours.
* The Royal Aerospace Establishment (RAE) at
Farnborough had many clubs and societies that
members could join and one of the best was their
Amateur Operatic Society. I wasn’t a member but
I enjoyed going to their excellent shows.
I happened to meet a friend who was the chairman
of OPSOC in town the morning after I had been to
“My Fair Lady” and he asked me what I’d thought of it.
I said ‘ l thought it was very good – except for the
programme cover’ and he replied – well if you think
you could do better then you do it’.
That was the start of doing them for the next 17 years…
The ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ cover won the national
‘Best Programme Cover’ of the year.
… plus something a bit different.
11 years ago l was asked by one of my students in a class at South Nutfield if l could do something for an ‘interregnum’ committee at her church to recognise their work in selecting a new vicar.
l managed to get her to obtain photos of them all and this is what l produced.
Lightning cockpit
Crantock Village from the beach.
Boscastle in the rain
Trerice House,Cornwall
Doc Martin’s house at Port Isaac, Cornwall.
This is a quick scribble of a space shuttle launch as seen
from Melbourne Beach, 20 miles south of NASA.
In the 10 years that l worked frequently at the Kenedy Space
Center l never got to see any launches – not for want of trying.
It wasn’t until l’d been retired about 25 years that l got to see
a space launch.
Scree at Watergate Bay
Hampshire village
Tiger in acrylic
High Street Doncaster
A house in Taunton
A Pier in Scotland
Waverley Abbey ruins near Farnham.
This was the first abbey built by the Cistercian monks, 1128.
Milford Sound,New Zealand
Puy Celsi,France
A mill in Devon
A friend’s house in Farnham
A NT kitchen in Cornwall
Peace Dome Hiroshima
Washington D.C Airport
Miles Magister at Berkshire Aviation Museum
Gloster Meteor RAF Museum Hendon
Gloster Meteor
Lightning & Phantom
DH Sea Vixen
‘A bonfire of the vanities’
(Italian: falò delle vanità) is a burning of objects condemned by religious authorities as occasions of sin.
English Electric Lightning
Dordogne market
A couple of macabre ones
Tower Bridge in the Snow
Castle Combe,Devon
‘Cody’s Tree’ at RAE Farnborough that Cody(first man to fly in UK)
tethered his aircraft to for engine runs.
Bourne Mill,Farnham
Lion & Lamb Yard Farnham
Parish Church Farnham
Mulberry Cottage,Bear Lane,Farnham
Castle Street Almshouses,Farnham
Beddgelert Bridge,N.Wales.
Christ’s Church, Oxford University.
St Kitt’s with the Atlantic Ocean on the left and the Carribean to the right.
The River Thames at Oxford.
…a jumble of aircraft in the RAF Museum, Hendon that
includes an ME109 on the right and a DH Meteor on the left.
An early Cody’s Flyer passing Bleriot’s Flying School, I think at Brooklands.
In a hangar at Biggin Hill.
Lockheed ‘Shooting Star’ at the Tangemere Aviation Museum.
English Electric Lightning Jet
I was asked to paint this by one of Mark and Nancy’s staff members in Fla.
My first thoughts were – bit macabre – but l actually quite enjoyed the challenge
and am very pleased with the finished article, not that l’d want it on my wall though.
…a view looking up the Thames from a
photograph taken on the London Eye.
l’ve just finished another 6 paintings for the
‘Hills gallery’ in Fla. and this is one of them.
…this is of Hawkshead in the Lake District.
I remember l was standing up to do this –
good for the spontainaity.
Today, a watercolour of Lake Windermere in the Lake District
…this is another one from Polesden Lacey.